
Christian Education – This committee oversees Christian education and enrichment opportunities, such as Children’s Church , Messy Church, Wired Word lessons, and book studies.  The committee’s mission is to foster the growth of Christians in action and reflection.

Building and Grounds – This committee is responsible for coordinating, maintaining and making improvements to the church property (building and grounds).

Hospitality and Growth – The committee provides for the ongoing vitality of the congregation, by extravagantly welcoming visitors, with an eye to assisting newcomers becoming active members of the congregation. The committee provides opportunities for member fellowship in both large and small groups. Encourages full and faithful participation in the life of the church for both members and the community at large. (picnics, dinners, Holy Joe Cafe, greeters, Fellowship Hours)

Mission and Social Action – Directs the outreach efforts of the congregation (neighborhood, community, state, national and international). Plans mission ministry, objectives, and educational seminars of current topics open to the public. (World Vision water project in an African country, DIG, Heiter Center, Transitions, Textile Ministry, Rejoicing Spirits, cleaning buckets for Church World Service, UCC Covid Resurgence Efforts and many others)

Worship and Music – Responsible for the quality of the worship experience. Music, choirs, special services, lay readers, seasonal decorations.

Stewardship, Finance and Personnel – oversees the financial management of the church resources. Fosters the principle of stewardship with the spirit of liberal giving of time, talents, and material resources. Oversees all aspects of staffing/personnel.